ButNotMaternity was a hashtag that galvanised many parents and campaigners with one clear voice, supporting the birthing rights of all women, birthing people, parents and their families during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Restrictions on partners attending scans and appointments, as well as the time allowed into labour wards for birth partners, became a post-code lottery.
Whilst some Trusts managed to work without any restrictions from the end of the first lockdown, many left them in place - and a myriad of others sat in between. We understood that every ward had differences - there are no blanket set of rules that would work for all to ensure social distancing and safety for both staff and parents. However, we believed that there was more that could be done, best practice and innovative ideas that could be shared, and that the risk of birth trauma should have been taken in to account when risk assessing restrictions.
There have been studies that showed restrictions adversely affected the health and well-being of parents and their babies. So many stories have been shared online using #ButNotMaternity, about traumatic births, stillbirths, women birthing alone.
Yet as many organisations, MVPs and members of the public fought for change, they were not being heard or given the consideration that they deserve.
24th July: We have added neonatal visiting to out status list
14th May 2021: All trusts in the UK now allow partners to attend scans and appointments.
30th April 2021: N.Ireland updates and reviews partner visitor restriction guidance .
15th April: NHS England provides instruction to trusts to further support families during pregnancy.
4th April 2021 - The Guardian publishes research from But Not Maternity regarding the status NHS restrictions across the UK.
1st April 2021 - But Not Maternity Alliance send an open letter to Secretary of State, Matt Hancock calling for a roadmap out of maternity restrictions that sits in line with those set for the wider community.
1st April 2021 - But Not Maternity Alliance send an open letter to NHS England, sharing feedback from our MVP webinar requesting clarification of the 2m social distancing rule on wards and to share research about risk levels to staff and families and how vaccines and and testing can help mitigate these.
22nd March 2021 - Birthrights and But Not Maternity host a webinar for National Maternity Voices Partnership members and service users
Feb 21st: NI updates regional visiting policies: https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/Covid-19-visiting-guidance
5th January 2021 - Lockdown 3 begins
14th December 2020: NHS England updates their national guidelines
30th November Welsh government issue Hospital visiting during the coronavirus outbreak: guidance
15th November, the Mail on Sunday shared the latest research conducted by Pregnant Then Screwed and a coalition letter to CEO of the NHS Simon Stevens.
13th November 2020 Northern Ireland issues regional guidance on maternity care
5th November 2020 - the UK goes into National Lockdown
2nd November 2020: Scottish government issue guidance
21st October 2020: AIMS, Birthrights, Birthbliss, Pregnant Then Screwed, The Fatherhood Institute and Make Birth Better, call on NHS England to issue clearer guidance to Trusts on removing restrictions on partners or other supporters attending maternity services.
21st October 2020: The Government Restrictions On Partners Attending Scans And Labour Have Been Lifted – So Why Are Some Women Still Facing These Milestone Moments Alone?
18th September 2020: The #ButNotMaternity Campaign Shows How Childbirth Became Covid’s Forgotten Battleground
17th September 2020: #ButNotMaternity: 'Why Are People Moaning About The Rule Of Six When Women Have To Go Through Childbirth Alone?'
Sunday 13th September, NHS England issued their framework to assist NHS Trust to reintroduce access for partners, visitors and other supporters of pregnant women.
10th September 2020: Cosmopolitan publishes an article "Why the #ButNotMaternity campaign is so important"
60 MPs signed a letter calling for partners to be allowed at births and scans.
9th September 2020: #ButNotMaternity: Covid-19 Restrictions Are Failing Maternal Care
9th September 2020: 'Traumatic': Maternity Services Are Still Restricted. This Is The Impact.
8th Sept 2020: RCM and RCOG issues this statement
7th September 2020: Childbirth campaigners urge change to rules with pregnant women forced to give birth alone during coronavirus pandemic
2nd Sept 2020: #ButNotMaternity campaign launched on social media by doulas at The Birthbliss Academy.
20th August 2020: Birthrights calls for easing of visiting restrictions in maternity services
Whilst the government can request that NHS England makes changes, they cannot enforce them. NHS England can set guidelines for their 125 trusts to follow, but they are GUIDELINES and not RULES/LAWS. Each Trust follows it's own regulations and policies in place.